Infante and Matta: between dissent and cooptation. The failure of federalism in the nineteenth century
Edison Ortiz González
Doctor en Historia, Universidad de Valencia. Profesor Universidad Alberto Hurtado
Esteban Valenzuela Van Treek
Doctor en Historia Contemporánea, Universidad de Valencia. Director Dpto. de Ciencia
Política y Relaciones Internacionales Universidad Alberto Hurtado
The failure of federalism and provincial autonomism also explained by their leaders, who with the victory of the coalition Portales (1830-1859), fluctuated between marginal dissent and integration. Infante is the case who chose to be a voice testimonial with The Federal Valdiviano magazine, while Matta chose to join the system, through three stages: rebellion (1850s), transition (1860s), and coptation (1870s).
Ortiz González, E., & Valenzuela Van Treek, E. (2015). Infante and Matta: between dissent and cooptation. The failure of federalism in the nineteenth century. Cuadernos De Historia, (41), Pág. 7–32. Retrieved from