The following article is part of the studies on emergency measures and temporary suspension of rights that have existed in the twentieth century predating the Chilean military coup of 1973. We will study the relationships both in content and objectives pursued by the law of 1947 Peasant Unionization, and the Defense of Democracy of the following year, both laws promoted by the government of Gabriel González Videla. We believe that both laws are part of the same gear looking through the persecution of the Communist Party, the movement to stop the advance of agricultural and urban workers at a time of political and economic difficulties, framed world in the early war period known cold.
Law for the Defense of Democracy, anticommunism, Rural Unionization, Internal Security of the State
Acevedo Arriaza, N. (2015). A specter is haunting the field: anticommunism, peasant unionization and law permanent defense of democracy (Chile, 1946-1948). Cuadernos De Historia, (42), Pág. 127–151. Retrieved from