Popular Housing and Improvement Programs: Intervention in Emerging Spaces


  • Hernando Carvajalino Bayona Barrio Taller


This paper deals with the topic of housing in low income settlements in Bogotá, D.C (Colombia). There is a stock of self-built houses which must be part of a Housing Improvement Program. The problem is first put into perspective stressing the main role external agents must have in working with the inhabitants in order to improve what is already built, this must be done along with the community and through their organizations. This is the scenario where advances from the 90´s are analysed which was the decade when the qualitative deficit was included in the state’s housing policy. The analysis is complemented by the experience of Barrio Taller, a concrete case carried out in the outskirts of the city. The second part of the paper describes the critical present situation of these programs, which date from the mid-80´s. The present condition is the result of several norms by the National Government which have almost unabled the execution of the programs in the last five years. Considering the possibility of using these programs focusing on earthquake vulnerability and habitability, some propositions are made in order to improve and consolidate the stock of informal housing.

Author Biography

Hernando Carvajalino Bayona, Barrio Taller

Arquitecto Colombiano, Magister en Urbanismo, asesor de procesos habitacionales pupulares y consultor urbano. Profesor de la Facultad de Arquitectura de la Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá. Beca del Ministerio de Cultura 1998 y Mención de Honor en la Bienal de Arquitectura 2002 organizada por la Sociedad Colombiana de Arquitectos, Categoría de Teoría e Historia. Conferencia invitado en universidades e instituciones de Colombia, Cuba, República Dominicana y México. Actualmente se desempeña como Gerente de Barrio Taller y Director de la Serie Ciudad y Hábitat.