Paraphrasing the title of Rancière’s book On the edges of politics, this article explores a possible notion of biopolitics. This notion is not necessarily concerned with the ways in which power is present in the devices for disciplining bodies and the regulation of the life of populations as Foucault put it or by narrowing and confusing the notions of Bíos and Zoé present in Agamben’s reflection. On the contrary, it tries to propose a conceptualization that account for the experience of production and expansion of life alternatives, inscribed in the field of political struggle, which have been gestated in different social movements. With this in mind, the article talks about recent expressions in feminist demonstrations in several Latin American countries in order to question the possible meanings of social demands that put in the foreground the defense of life.
Biopolitics, democratic biopolitics, feminisms, forms and webs of live
Author Biography
Raúl E. Cabrera Amador, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Xochimilco
Profesor investigador Titular C, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Xochimilco
Cabrera Amador, R. E. (2022). On the edges of biopolitics. Nomadías, (30), pp. 165–189. Retrieved from