Marta Vergara: taking the floor in the conversastion about abortion in Chile


  • Marcela Rosario Rosas Lira


This article analyzes a brief writing on abortion and the situation of working women published by Marta Vergara in the newspaper La Mujer Nueva during 1936. What is done is a reading of the text from the perspective of the gender essay, identifying how the traits Characteristics of feminine essays allow the station to join the discussions about abortion and reproductive mechanisms that arose in Chile during the 1930s. Through the writing of this essay, Marta Vergara takes the floor to speak the collective voice of one of us who expresses the position of a feminist, multiclass and left-wing movement that sees the uncontrolled reproduction of the most impoverished Chilean classes as a mechanism reproducer of socio-economic inequalities.


gender essay, abortion, working woman, inequality

Author Biography

Marcela Rosario Rosas Lira

Licenciada en Lengua y Literatura Hispánicas
Profesora de Enseñanza Media mención Castellano
Magíster en Literatura Universidad de Chile
Alumna regular programa de Doctorado en Literatura
mención Literatura Chilena e Hispanoamericana.
Becaria ANID (Beca Doctorado Nacional)