In this article we position ourselves from critical feminist epistemologies which build genealogies from experiences and “multiple and
contradictory anchors” (Ciriza 2015 83) to enrich the understanding of the Chile Woke Up Movement. The general characterizations
of this phenomenon so far have left open space to place the role of the actions of women and sexual dissidences as an immediate antecedent of the social outbreak (Coordinadora Feminista 8 de Marzo 2021). Our proposal is the special consideration of the political explosions of women and sexual dissidences as part of the fundamental milestones for the understanding of this recent historical process. The interventions analyzed were carried out by the Yeguada Latinoamericana de Cheril Linett, the LasTesis collective, the 8M Feminist Coordinator of Santiago and the Valparaíso Feminist Block, between October 2019 and October 2020.
sexual political violence, social outbreak, southern feminism, activism
Vergara Cáceres, C., Parra, F., & Yáñez Lagos, L. (2022). Critical feminist epistemologies from the south to understand the Chile Woke Up movement. Nomadías, (31), pp. 163–183. Retrieved from