Landscape, city and memory: an approach from the memorial to victims of the political repression, Chillán



Considering that the notion of landscape in architecture is not only composed of a set of spaces and objects that can be perceived, but also involves the gaze and interpretation of the observer; and that on the other hand, said observer, who no longer assumes a merely passive role, can associate a set of evaluations, among which is a historical meaning inexorably related to memory and awareness of past events to the construction of the cultural landscape, it is interesting to wonder about the multiple ways in which the tools of architectural design can contribute to the processes of constitution of said memory and how to rescue for citizens in the current context, some layers often forgotten or buried in the scope of the landscape within of the city. Based on the analysis of a specific case, the Memorial to the Victims of Political Repression in Chillán, built in 2007, the aim is to evaluate how it has been possible to contribute to the constitution of a landscape linked to memory from the field of architectural and urban design, and on the possibilities of translating notions associated with evocation and memory, into spatial formalizations that can establish an experience of a significant nature for the community.


urban landscape, memory, heritage, public space, city

Author Biography

Rodrigo Aguilar Pérez, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Arquitecto de la Universidad de Chile (1998) y Master en historia, arte, arquitectura y ciudad por la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (2001). Desde 2001 imparte clases en la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Chile y desde 2006 es Profesor de la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Santiago, donde ha sido Director del Master integrado en diseño arquitectónico y director de la Escuela de Arquitectura.

Ha sido además profesor invitado a las Universidades Central y de Talca, y ha impartido workshops y conferencias en diversas Universidades de Chile, Perú, Brasil y México. Su trabajo académico y profesional ha estado enfocado al diseño de edificación pública, espacio urbano y rehabilitación patrimonial.