Agricultural practice of peasant societies in Tafí valley (100 a.C.-900 d.C.)


  • Valeria Franco
  • Eduardo Berberián


This paper focuses on the study of agricultural practices as a means of reflecting
on social reproduction in the northern sector of the Tafi Valley during the first
millenium AD. Results obtained from successive fieldworks showed that the
agricultural structures contributed actively in the reproduction of autonomous
households through their daily interaction in the process of peasant labor. The
perspective proposed here positions the agricultural structures as active agents
that participated in the foundation and reproduction of particular production
relations. It is stressed that the study of such structures is not viable in terms of
economic presuppositions that only take into consideration cost--benefit returns
(i.e. agricultural structure = subsistence/utilitarian) but it is important to go
beyond recognizing their intervention and impact on other areas of daily life.


Agricultura, Reproducción Social, Primer Milenio d.C.