The study of archaeological and bioanthropological evidence from the SantaInés site (central Chile), together with new radiocarbon dates available, haveallowed us to define this site as a residential settlement with several occupationalevents associated with funerary practices. The first occupations correspond tomid-to-late Holocene hunter-gatherers, while the last event to the Early CeramicPeriod. Santa Inés presents strong affinities to the Cuchipuy site located in thevicinity. As a whole, they formed part of a settlement pattern clustered along theshoreline of the Tagua Tagua basin and its lake-basin resources.
Settlement Pattern, Lake-basin Adaptations, Central Chile
Jackson, D., Aspillaga, E., Rodríguez, X.-P., Jackson, D., Santana, F., & Méndez, C. (2012). Human occupation of the Santa Inés site, Tagua Tagua basin, central Chile. Revista Chilena De Antropología, (26). Retrieved from