About the Journal

Saberes Educativos is an open access scientific journal with peer review through a double-blind system, published biannually in digital format, oriented to the dissemination of knowledge related to the different dimensions involved in the educational phenomenon, especially the training of teachers and other educational actors. It is published biannually by the Centro Saberes Docentes, under the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities of the University of Chile.

The purpose of the journal is to provide a space for the analysis and exchange of different analytical perspectives on educational processes and practices in general, with special interest in training processes, seeking to contribute to the scientific and professional discussion on the role and scope of continuing education of educational actors, particularly in the training processes of teachers. In terms of its vision, the journal aspires to become a reference for the development of knowledge in the aforementioned areas, proposing fields for academic debate and areas of development to be considered by the educational system. In terms of its scope, it seeks to publish works that reflect the reality and challenges of the different Latin American countries in relation to the aforementioned topics.

Due to its broad scope, Saberes Educativos publishes different types of academic articles, targeting an audience composed of the academic community interested in educational issues, education professionals, educational communities and those working in organizations related to educational policies and management.

Saberes Educativos publishes original articles in Spanish language, related to scientific research, as well as review articles, essays, interviews, reviews, points of view and best practices, on the following topics (but not limited to):

  • Pedagogical practices and challenges for teaching and learning.
  • Initial and in-service training of teachers and other educational actors.
  • Educational policies and their effects on educational actors.
  • Leadership and school organization: competencies and training requirements.
  • Implications of the social system and the educational system in teacher training.
  • Contributions to training in the educational field, from the humanities.
  • Teacher training and leadership for school coexistence.
  • Pedagogical experimentation and innovation.
  • Critical thinking and reflexivity in the training of teachers and educational actors.

Saberes Educativos uses Dublin Core as a metadata structure to identify and describe information resources available on the Internet, thus facilitating their retrieval and location.